
achiefofficerorgovernmentofficialwhoisresponsibleforaparticularareainsomecountries(suchasJapanandFrance).,Aprefectisachiefofficerormagistrate,originallyinancientRome.Likeamayororgovernor,aprefectissomeonepowerful:achiefofficer ...,apersonappointedtoanyofvariouspositionsofcommand,authority,orsuperintendence,asachiefmagistrateinancientRomeorthechiefadministrative ...,prefect·​(insomeBritishschoo...

Prefect Definition & Meaning

a chief officer or government official who is responsible for a particular area in some countries (such as Japan and France).


A prefect is a chief officer or magistrate, originally in ancient Rome. Like a mayor or governor, a prefect is someone powerful: a chief officer ...

PREFECT Definition & Usage Examples

a person appointed to any of various positions of command, authority, or superintendence, as a chief magistrate in ancient Rome or the chief administrative ...

prefect noun

prefect · ​(in some British schools) an older student with some authority over younger students and some other responsibilities and advantagesTopics Educationc2, ...

PREFECT definition and meaning

In some schools, especially in Britain, a prefect is an older pupil who does special duties and helps the teachers to control the younger pupils.


In the context of schools, a prefect is a pupil who has been given certain responsibilities in the school, similar to the responsibilities given to a hall ...

Prefect Definition & Meaning

2023年12月3日 — The meaning of PREFECT is any of various high officials or magistrates of differing functions and ranks in ancient Rome.

PREFECT | English meaning

PREFECT definition: 1. (in some countries) a very important official in the government or the police: 2. (in some…. Learn more.

PREFECT in Traditional Chinese

prefect noun [C] (OFFICIAL) ... He has been appointed Prefect of Bologna. 他被任命為博洛尼亞地方行政長官。